Indian Biscuits, Tea and Cricket

Built upon BSDC’s two previous pieces Tea Leaves and Cricket Green, Indian Biscuits, Tea and Cricket seamlessly marries the graceful batter's stroke-play, the rhythmic bowler's run-up, and the majestic gestures of the umpire, with the soothing smells, tastes and sensations conjured by freshly brewed cups of tea. Through striking and immersive dance performances, featuring a blend of traditional Indian Kathak dance with more contemporary western styles, this performance will portray the interplay between cricket and the climate crisis, as well as the various global histories and traditions of tea drinking.

Beverley Library Performance

Rural touring has been crucial in achieving our objectives as a library service. By offering high-quality performances in hyperlocal venues, we have seen significant increases in arts engagement in local communities. Offering free/affordable, accessible events on people’s doorstep is key for audiences who may otherwise not be able to participate in these experiences.

BSDC’s Indian Biscuits, Tea and Cricket performances in East Riding Libraries have afforded local community members of all ages with access to new cultural experiences, broadening their horizons and diversifying their engagement with the arts. We look forward to working with BSDC again!

Hayley Clark, Arts in Libraries Officer for East Riding Libraries


Devika Rao
Kali Chandrasegaram


Aniruddha Mukherjee

Jane Morland

Balbir Singh