Roots & Routes

The Roots & Routes project aimed to foster deeper connections between the diverse people of Gledhow, and promote well-being through the uplifting powers of the outdoors and arts. Just as the trees of Gledhow spread their roots deep into the earth and extend their branches to the skies, BSDC sought to reconnect people to their own roots by ambling along new routes within nature. Being outdoors reconnects us to who we are, where we came from, and provides us with a path to where we are going. As Mary Davis has beautifully summarised, “A walk in nature walks the soul back home.

The People of Gledhow Woods

Roots & Routes aims to tell the stories of local people, celebrating the wonderful diversity of human and ecological heritage that flourishes within Gledhow Valley. For many, the Gledhow Valley Woods are a calming space for reflection, inspiration, and most importantly connection, both with nature itself and the people they cross paths with.

Steve, local resident of Gledhow and bird watching enthusiast

Rachel, NHS worker and new mother

Lynn, local resident of Gledhow

I  connect a lot to these woods. I have a great appreciation for the beautiful changes in colour we see throughout the year. I especially love the feeling of growth in the spring, and the autumn colours we see now.

Paul, local resident of Harehills

The Artists of Gledhow Woods

The project is a visual exploration of the human connection with nature. BSDC collaborated with a collection of talented poets, dancers, illustrators and musicians who took to Gledhow Valley Woods to be inspired by the natural beauty, sounds, sensations and rhythms of the woodland.

Jamie, Illustrator and Animator

Born in Batley, Jamie is an illustrator who specialises in observational art and freestyle drawings. His artistic expressions are multifaceted and diverse, delving into the world of performance poetry, burlesque as well as writing his first book The Devil Makes Work for Creative Hands.

Mohana, Junior Dancer

Originally from Tamil Nadu, a small village in the south of India, Mohana moved to Leeds to study Data Analysis in 2022. Having always had an affinity for dance, Mohana pursues her art through a traditional Kathak dancing community in Leeds.

Sophie, Poet

Sophie Thomas is a contemporary dancer and writer with a passion for movement, improvisation and stream of consciousness poetry. Growing up in the Lake District, Sophie fondly remembers a childhood surrounded by nature, enjoying walks with her family through the mountains and around the lakes.


Flitting from branch to branch I spy you.
Your electric blue flashes
Your brown camouflaging
As if you’re conflicted whether you want to parade or hide away.
Perched atop you survey.
Cackling the heights,
Chairing your screeching song.
Today’s a Jay Day,
So lay your eyes to the skies, and pause.

Sophie Thomas

Aniruddha, Musician

Amidst the lush embrace of nature, Aniruddha Mukherjee, a masterful tabla player, embarked on a rhythmic odyssey that transcended the boundaries of conventional Indian classical music. As he traversed the woodland, the gnarled shapes of ancient trees became his silent mentors, whispering tales of resilience and continuity.

Themed walks through Gledhow Woods

Travelling with Piroz

Whilst many of us feel connected to our home, with roots running deep into our motherland, some people may have been displaced from their homes for political, social or personal reasons. In Unmasking Pain BSDC worked with displaced people to raise awareness of this humanitarian crisis and most importantly to create a space to voice their stories. This project opened up an important conversation about the emotional state that comes with being ‘uprooted.’ 

As this project sought to explore the meaning of ‘Roots & Routes’ in all its multifaceted capacities, it was important to consider the reality of displaced roots. An experience faced by refugees, or any individual feeling a lack of connection to themselves or place. To explore this , BSDC utilised the persona of ‘Piroz’. This life-size puppet created by the 6 Million+ Charitable Trust, had been used in Unmasking Pain performances and creative walks. In Roots and Routes, participants watched Piroz explore the woodlands and reconnect with nature. This project served as an important reminder that regardless of our origins, the earth beneath us is the same everywhere we go.

A  Young Dancer’s Learning

In a whimsical and enlightening excursion, the budding students of Devika Rao's academy ventured into the heart of the woods, transforming their South Indian dance and music education into an enchanting exploration of Gledhow Valley Woods.  With graceful movements, they danced alongside the trees, mirroring the shapes and spirits of the woodland through the language of  classical dance. Amidst the towering trees, the students weaved tales of Hindu gods, enrapturing their audience with the captivating saga of Lord Krishna. Beyond the artistic expressions, the students engaged in thoughtful discussions about pressing issues like climate change, pondering the impact of human actions on the natural world.

Folk Tales Alongside Yakshagana

Roots & Routes welcomed the spirited Yakshagana troupe from the Yakshadruva Patla Foundation. Hailing from the culturally rich Karnataka State of India, this troupe brought the age-old tradition of Yakshagana, a traditional theatre form, to the heart of Gledhow Valley Woods. The air in Gledhow became charged with the powerful music, lively dance, and the kaleidoscopic hues of costumes as the Yakshagana troupe painted the woodland stage with the vibrant strokes of their performance.

Creative maps of Gledhow Woods

Multiple maps have been carefully curated by a team of graphic designers, pinpointing the different areas of Gledhow Valley Woods that each artist felt inspired by. Through the maps, BDSC blends the community of artists with the local people of Gledhow, enabling individuals to experience the woodland through the eyes of a poet, dancer, illustrator or musician.

Maps for your Senses

Maps for your Creativity

Maps for your Imagination


Bobak Champion
Devika Rao
Hitha Sasidharan
Mohana Sangeetha

Aniruddha Mukherjee

Visual Artists

Jamie Harry Scrutton
Louise Grassby

Balbir Singh
Elia Tomé
Malcolm Johnson
Minh Nguyen